The Mindful Kids and Parents Course which I teach is guided by my training in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR).
The course includes this set of guided meditations, to be downloaded for home practice.
The guided meditations are only one part, albeit one very important part of the course.
In the course there is much discussion and sharing around the children's experience of the meditations, and this is also critical to deepening awareness and insight into the way we live our lives and use our minds.
May these guided meditations support children in living mindful, peaceful lives.
The first guided meditation is Breath Awareness.
Using this meditation, a child can connect with the breath and notice how it feels in their body, notice the cycle of the breath, and very possibly notice how difficult it is keep their attention on their breath.
Breath Awareness.mp3
The second guided meditation is The Body Scan.
Using this meditation, a child can connect with their body in a curious, interested, gentle and non-judgemental way. It is also another opportunity to practice sustained awareness.
Body scan.mp3
The third guided meditation is Mindfulness of Sound.
Using this meditation, a child can connect with the sounds in their environment, practice being aware of how things come and go, and notice their reactions to different sounds.
mindfulness of sound.mp3
The fourth guided meditation is Mindfulness of Feelings.
Using this meditation, a child can connect with a feeling in a kind, curious, open way and discover bodily sensations associated with an emotion.
mindfulness of feelings.mp3
The fifth guided meditation is Mindfulness of Thought.
Using this meditation, a child can practice noticing thoughts with curiosity and letting go of them to return to the present moment.
mindfulness of thought.mp3
In order to find my own voice in this work, I have listened to and worked with the guided meditations of many teachers. As a result it is difficult to acknowledge all of those who have influenced my work. I extend gratitude to Jon Kabat-Zinn PhD, Timothea Goddard, Dr Amy Saltzman, Kristin Neff, PhD, Christopher K. Germer, PhD, Bob Stahl PhD, Florence Meleo-Meyer
Kara Matheson
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